We provide End to end solution for outsourcing complete back office jobs including, order entry, mailbox management, account support, Managing your AR & AP, Data management, Generating Audit reports etc.
Fulfill sample requests on time and get sample orders entered into your system as soon as you receive them. Also Get your day to day production orders entered right with quicker turnarounds and great effeciency.
Work with our experienced AP/AR executives to setup invoicing procedures and organize your accounting workflow to makesure you get your invoices paid on time. and also get your vendors paid before teh deadline.
Our Customer representatives will help you to manage your customers effectively, sending qoute to the clients. making a presentation of the products they are looking for with more possibly options for what they are looking for in different price variants which will help your clients to choose the best product available for them. our team will also help you to track the order status and make sure it reaches the customers hassle free.
Streamline your work day with better inbox management, Email inbox management practices can save you tons of time and stress. If your inbox overwhelms you each time you open it, it may be time to reevaluate how you manage your messages. Invest time in better email management today so you can enjoy an easier workflow tomorrow.